63 research outputs found

    Grandparents’ Roles and Psychological Well Being in Elderly (Correlational Study In Family With Autism Child)

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to find the correlation between grandparents’ roles in the family and psychological wellbeing of elderly in taking care of their grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: The study used quantitative methods with correlational design. Measuring devices were the scale of psychological well being and the role of grandparent. This research involved 108 elderly from Semarang, Jepara and Kendal, obtained through a quota-purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data analysis was based on simple regression analysis. Results: The study results in rxy = 0.397, p = 0.000 (p <0.05), which indicates a positive and significant correlation between the role of grandparent and psychological well-being of the elderly. Conclusions: The test result indicates a significant correlation between the roles of grandparents to their psychological wellbeing where the higher the roles results in the higher psychological wellbeing they experience and, vice versa, the lower roles of grandparents results in the lower psychological wellbeing. Implication for Practice : Elderly actually plays an important role in the family, i.e take care for the child when the parents are not at home, help for the cost of therapy and take care of them when sick


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    Successful old age is coveted by every individual who enters late adulthood, which is marked by selfassessment of well-being, known as subjective well-being. One of the things that affect the subjective well being is how to selectively establish the size and composition of social networks, give meaning, to obtain social goals (goal orientation), which greatly influenced by the future time perspective, and this is known with socioemotional selectivity. This study aimed to discover how the relation between future time perspective and goal orientation, with subjective well being of individuals, considering the goal orientation as a mediating variable. The subjects were 140 people late adulthood. Assessments using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the model had a relatively good fit after re-specification. Future time perspective showed significant influence on goal orientation, and goal orientation on subjective well being, and future time perspective did not showed significantly affect on the subjective well being, so the test is conducted on a second model designed by researcher and indicating that future time perspective showed significant effect on subjective well-being, so this model also showed that goal orientation is an mediating variable. Keywords: future time perspective, goal orientation, subjective well being, old ag


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    The purpose of this study was to describe the changes experienced by the subjects after family therapy and storytelling therapy. This research used descriptive qualitative study with Curative Therapy methods and the Observational Analysis. Subjects of the research were two children in their middle childhood (6-8 years) who were chosen through purposive sampling, their families were included in the therapy, and live in Semarang. Islamic Psychological approach were applied through family therapy in the form of understanding of the nature of sexual identity of children, understanding puberty, giving family support, as well as doing of Islamic religious ritual by reviewing the interpretation on the Qur'an and Sunnah with the child and planting the moral and beliefs in the family. Those efforts were accompanied by storytelling therapy based on Islamic psychology approach, namely through the implementation of Islamic siroh through storytelling and role playing. The results shows that the impact of sexual violence to the subjects are reluctant to go to school, have a sense of inferiority, tend to withdraw from society, experience irritability and aggressiveness. When the subject and family participate in the therapy for 6 months, it can be seen that those children showed a noticeable progress in their behavior by getting back to school, showing their happiness, starting to play with their friends although the intensity was still less than usual. Another finding in the study is the formation of family cohesiveness. Treatment will continue until the next 1-2 years, and it is expected that it will become a habit in the family

    Occupational Self-Efficacy for Mental Health Student Worker: A Preliminary Study

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    Background: Mental health problems may affects employee. Consequently, reduced productivity at work. Separate results and conclusion. Organization requires prospective employees who have healthy behavior in which consists of internal and external factors. One of those internal factors is occupational self-efficacy. Occupational self-efficacy is commonly defined as the belief in one’s capabilities to achieve a goal and solving the problem in workplace. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that contributed to occupational self-efficacy among student workers of Balai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja Semarang. Method: Focus group discussions were conducted with 49 student workers. Purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain the sample. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using the framework method to identify key themes. Results: Research found the indicators of occupational self-efficacy, there are the ability to: plan the future which identified by having life goals, know our potential and being confidence; solved the problem which identified by knowing inside-outside obstacles and face the challenge; self adjustment which identified by being able to adapt with task and environment; planning future which identified by confidence in all life task and skill, also career planning which identified by have good teamwork and understand the factors of successful in worked. Conclusion: Five main themes were identified, which described factors student worker perceived to influence their occupational self-efficacy: the ability to plan the future, the ability in problem solving, the ability of adjustment, the confidence in the future success and the ability in career planning in the organizatio

    Goal Orientation Dan Subjective Well-Being pada Lansia

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    This study aimed to examine the relationship between goal orientation and subjective well-being in the elderly, which includes psychological well-being, emotional well-being and social well-being. The research subjects consisted of 90 elderly from the elderly group Adi Yuswo and Wulandaru Semarang obtained through simple random sampling. The data were obtained using a measuring instrument goal orientation (18 items, α = .87), psychological well-being (33 items, α = .92), social well-being (33 items, α = .93), and emotional well-being (18 items, α = .95). Measurements were made using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Linear Structural Relations program (lisrel) 8.80. The analysis showed that the model of goal orientation influence on subjective well being appropriate to the research subject. Subject used their own goal orientation to acquire information, knowledge, insight and new experiences through the association that they follow (knowledge related goal) in addition to obtaining emotional well being. Goal orientation then significant influence to form an overall positive evaluation of the self (subjective well-being), particularly to emerge social acceptance and social actualization (social well being) in individuals aside form the psychological well being and emotional well being


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    Mahasiswa memiliki peran yang penting untuk dapat mengimplementasikan ilmunya untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat sehingga dibutuhkan kepribadian yang tangguh dalam menghadapi berbagai permasalahan dalam menjalani peran tersebut. Salah satu yang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan dalam mensejahterakan orang lain adalah karakteristik kepribadian seperti hardiness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara hardiness dengan perilaku prososial pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti UKM Peduli Sosial Universitas Diponegoro. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang mengikuti UKM Peduli Sosial Universitas Diponegoro dengan karakteristik menjadi anggota organisasi aktif di periode 2016/2017. Subjek penelitian adalah 82 anggota UKM Peduli Sosial Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dua skala psikologi, yaitu perilaku prososial (43 aitem, α = 0.945) dan skala hardiness (41 aitem α = 0.937). Analisis data menggunakan regresi sederhana yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara hardiness dengan perilaku prososial (r=0.815 ; p<0.000). Artinya semakin kuat hardiness yang dimiliki mahasiswa, maka semakin tinggi perilaku prososialnya. Hardiness memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap perilaku prososial pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti UKM Peduli Sosial Universitas Diponegoro sebesar 66.5% dan sisanya 33.5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Hardiness, perilaku prososial, mahasiswa


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    Kasus kekerasan terhadap anak (child abuse) marak terjadi. Kekerasan pada anak (child abuse) adalah tindakan salah atau sewenang-wenang yang dilakukan oleh orang dewasa terhadap anak, baik secara fisik, emosi maupun seksual (Sugiarno, 2002). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk kekerasan yang dialami subyek, faktor dan dampak dari kekerasan tersebut, serta mengetahui kecerdasan interpersonal yang terbentuk pada subyek. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kualitatif fenomenologis dengan pendekatan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) sebagai acuannya. Pendekatan IPA bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pemaknaan subjek dalam kehidupan pribadi dan sosialnya (Smith, Flower & Larkin, 2009). Subyek berjumlah 3 orang yang tergolong usia remaja (17-19 tahun) dengan jenis kelamin perempuan, melalui purposive sampling, dan berdomisili di Semarang. Kekerasan yang dialami ketiga subyek dilakukan oleh orangtua subyek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga subyek pernah menjadi korban child abuse, berupa physical abuse, emotional abuse dan sexual abuse. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya child abuse adalah temperamental lemah dan delinkuensi pada anak, serta kondisi kehidupan keluarga yang penuh stres akibat masalah ekonomi. Dampak kekerasan yang dirasakan subyek adalah perasaan rendah diri, mudah tersinggung dan agresivitas. Gambaran kecerdasan interpersonal pada ketiga subyek di usia remajanya, adalah (1) sukar membangun relasi interpersonal, dengan tidak mudah percaya pada orang lain termasuk guru, atau sebaliknya, kurang selektif dalam memilih teman, (2) sukar mempertahankan relasi interpersonal, yaitu cenderung menghindar ketika ada masalah dengan temannya, atau tidak memperhatikan perasaan orang lain ketika mengungkapkan pikirannya, (3) mengalami kesukaran dalam menyelesaikan konflik, yaitu cenderung menghindar ketika konflik dengan orang lain, atau sebaliknya, mudah terbawa arus negatif pergaulan teman

    Emotional Competence, Family Social Support and Parental Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism during the Pandemic

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    This study was aimed to determine the relationship between emotional competence, family social support and parental stress in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This research was a quantitative research with correlational method. Purposive sampling technique by distributing questionnaires using Google form resulted in a total of 165 participants who are mothers of children with ASD, as members of therapy centers and schools for children with special needs in Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta. The data were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM) technique on Lisrel program. This research resulted in two models showing that there are fit model with empirical data. The first model shows that each of emotional competence and family social support had a significant effect on parental stress in mothers of children with ASD. The second model shows the influence of emotional competence on the stress of parenting of children with ASD, with family social support as a moderating variable. The implications of this study are empirical evidence on the importance of family social support and emotional competence for mothers in raising children with ASD to prevent excessive parental stress
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